Please be aware that we are experiencing a heavy demand with the pre-Holiday workload. Correspondence and delivery of sale items may take a little while to get through depending on the backlog.
Current harness modification services have a 2-3 month wait.
Thank-you for your understanding.

AGT Engineering provides a diverse range of Electrical Engineering services, from Electrical Engineering for Mining and Heavy-Industry sectors, through to custom automotive wiring conversions and microcontroller electronic devices.
Senior Engineer, Andrew has had 15 years experience in the mining sector, providing Electrical Engineering from concept studies, design, site installation and commissioning. Designs from simple start/stop control stations, to complex conveyor starter automation systems and MCC switchboards.
As well as Engineering design, AGT Engineering can also provide drafting services, compliance auditing, and documentation services.
AGT Engineering provides Subaru Wiring loom conversions, allowing Subaru engines (early model through to late model Canbus engines) into non-Subaru vehicles, stand alone applications, or integration into a different model Subaru. Contact us with your idea or requirement.
AGT Engineering has designed a number of custom microcontroller electronic devices, including the Electronic Flag Relay, the Subatronics and AGT Canbus Emulators and Translators.